Importance of Calcium Screening for Heart Patients

A calcium score is a numerical measure of coronary artery calcification (CAC). It helps doctors determine whether or not patients should receive treatment for heart disease. You can get your calcium score screening in Millburn, NJ.

This test measures the amount of calcium in your arteries. Calcium builds up over time in your blood vessels and can clog them and cause a heart attack. If you have high calcium levels, your doctor might recommend taking medication to lower your risk of having a heart attack.

What is CAD?

Cardiovascular disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death for both men and women. In addition, CAD accounts for nearly half of deaths in those over 75 years old. The good news is that early detection of CAD through calcium score screening is possible.

  • If calcified plaque obstructs blood flow through the heart or other vessels, the body responds by building new bone around the area where the blockage occurs.
  • The buildup of calcium can cause serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

How does calcium screening help?

  • Calcium scoring uses CT scans to identify coronary artery plaque buildup.
  • The calcium deposits show up differently on X-rays depending on their composition.
  • It allows doctors to determine whether or not they should perform stenting surgery.
  • The process helps predict who will benefit from stent placement, and who will not.

Why is prior testing recommended?

  • The American Heart Association recommends calcium score testing before CABG or PCI because it helps predict who will benefit from these treatments.
  • It recommends that adults aged 40 and older get screened every five years for CAD using calcium scoring.
  • Calcium scoring involves taking an X-ray of the chest after injecting a dye into the bloodstream.
  • It helps doctors identify areas where plaque has built up inside the arteries.

Calcium scoring is a good option for patients who are at risk of having heart attacks or strokes. If you have had a heart attack, you should have a calcium score test at least six months after your procedure. It is also helpful for patients who are recovering from heart attacks or strokes.

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